![Who is Responsible For Completing a Fire Risk Assessment Who is Responsible For Completing a Fire Risk Assessment](https://landlordcertificatelondon.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/825a007be4.jpeg)
Who is Responsible For Completing a Fire Risk Assessment in the UK?
Who is Responsible For Completing a Fire Risk Assessment;
A fire risk assessment is an assessment of what could cause a fire, what steps can be taken to prevent it and how people will be protected in case there is one.
By law, all businesses and blocks of flats must appoint a ‘Responsible Person’ to oversee this work. They also review it regularly and make any necessary amendments or improvements.
Who should carry out a fire risk assessment? (Who is Responsible For Completing a Fire Risk Assessment)
Who is Responsible For Completing a Fire Risk Assessment;
Anyone owning or renting premises in the UK is legally obliged to carry out a fire risk assessment. Whether it’s your home, an office, retail outlet, care home – this is an obligation that must be fulfilled.
Fire risk assessments should be carried out regularly and it’s ideal to have them completed by a professional. However, if you are familiar with the premises and potential hazards present, then this task could easily be undertaken independently by you.
The person responsible for conducting the assessment is known as the ‘Responsible Person’ (RP). This role has been legally defined and must be carried out according to the Fire Safety Order 2005.
Responsible Parties (RPs) must take all reasonable measures to identify and mitigate fire hazards in a building or property, without creating any new risks. Furthermore, RPs have an obligation under law to heed the advice contained within any fire risk assessment report that is produced.
If RPs are uncertain of their ability to complete an assessment themselves, they should enlist the assistance of an external RP who can guide them through this procedure. Doing so not only meets legal obligations but also ensures a comprehensive and accurate assessment of risks and potential hazards in a premises.
An external review process (RP) can provide the RP with an accurate fire risk assessment report and identify any necessary improvements. This can be particularly helpful for RPs who do not possess the time or expertise to complete the assessment themselves, as it guarantees they adhere to legal obligations.
It is essential for RPs to adhere to fire safety laws, as there are heavy fines that can be issued for those who fail to abide by them – up to and including imprisonment. A competent RP will possess the necessary training, qualifications, experience and attitude in order to produce an accurate and appropriate fire risk assessment.
What should be included in a fire risk assessment? (Who is Responsible For Completing a Fire Risk Assessment)
Who is Responsible For Completing a Fire Risk Assessment;
In the UK, it is a legal requirement for all business premises to conduct a fire risk assessment. This helps safeguard people and their property in case of fire damage.
Conducting a fire risk assessment involves five steps: identify, evaluate, remove, reduce and record. It is essential that these assessments be done accurately in order to guarantee the building remains secure.
Identify Fire Hazards: Start by walking around your workplace and searching for any flammable materials or equipment that could spark a fire. This could include anything from electrical equipment or wiring to flammable liquids and gases, as well as an uncluttered workspace or blocked escape routes.
Evaluate the Risks: Assess the current fire safety measures in place and decide if they are adequate or need improvement. This can include things like escape routes, extinguishers, and signs for emergencies in case of a fire.
Be alert for any potential issues and write them down as soon as possible, in order to help avoid serious accidents. It will also be beneficial if an incident occurs and it becomes necessary to prove that you took steps to safeguard those in the workplace from potential harm.
In commercial buildings, the responsible person will usually be the company director; while residential buildings require either ownership or management. Shared structures like hotels or office blocks require specific areas to be assessed and fire safety measures implemented as necessary.
Those responsible for conducting the fire risk assessment must then document all pertinent details, create a fire safety action plan with any needed modifications, and regularly update this document in order to remain up to date.
Furthermore, they must guarantee the fire risk assessment is in accordance with PAS 79 standard and carried out by an accredited individual in order to avoid potential prosecution and fines in case of a fire.
How should a fire risk assessment be carried out? (Who is Responsible For Completing a Fire Risk Assessment)
Who is Responsible For Completing a Fire Risk Assessment;
In the UK, who is responsible for conducting a fire risk assessment depends on who owns or manages the premises. If it’s used commercially, then usually it is the company director who must carry out this task; however, in buildings shared between multiple businesses or used for residential purposes, multiple people may share responsibility.
A fire risk assessment is a process that requires the responsible individual to identify all hazards present on the premises and then decide what measures need to be taken to reduce or eliminate them. This includes preventative measures against fires occurring, as well as precautions that will safeguard those working or living there in case of an emergency.
Typically, the process will take around one day to complete for small or straightforward premises; however, more complex buildings may necessitate more time due to their more intricate risks that necessitate additional expertise and detail.
The assessment should include a table that assesses the fire safety measures taken. It should ask questions about potential ignition sources, whether escape routes are easily accessible and whether a fire would be detected quickly.
Once the assessment is complete, it is essential to document the outcomes and suggestive action. This should be kept as a permanent record and reviewed regularly when significant changes occur that could have an impact on fire safety plans.
It is essential to remember that the law requires a fire risk assessment be legally documented. This means the responsible individual must sign and date the assessment.
Once a risk assessment is complete, it should be documented in an accessible way. This should include an outline of the building structure as well as any relevant structural features that could influence how the assessment is conducted.
A fire risk assessment should include a plan that clearly indicates the main exits from the premises and how to escape in case of emergency. Having this information handy will assist the local fire service when they respond to the incident.
What should be done after a fire risk assessment? (Who is Responsible For Completing a Fire Risk Assessment)
Who is Responsible For Completing a Fire Risk Assessment;
If you manage a business or premises that isn’t your private home, then it is your legal duty to conduct a fire risk assessment. Ignoring this step could put employees and those living or working at your facility at risk; thus, conducting this assessment is absolutely essential if you want to guarantee their safety as well as that of others nearby.
A fire risk assessment will assess the risks and determine what steps can be taken to minimize or eliminate them. It also reviews your emergency plans and any training your personnel on fire safety protocols.
Once your fire risk assessment is complete, it’s essential to keep it up-to-date and conduct periodic reviews. This can be done independently or with the assistance of an established safety management company.
It is wise to update your fire assessment if there have been any significant changes that would influence how it was conducted. These could include structural alterations, building maintenance or even redecorating your workplace.
Your fire risk assessment should be in writing for any organisation employing more than five individuals, or that owns commercial property. It must be approved by a senior-ranking individual such as the manager or director of the business.
You should review your assessment on an annual basis, though there is no set period for doing so. The ideal practice would be to do it whenever there are major changes to the environment or if any new staff arrive.
Professional fire risk assessors possess the necessary expertise and insight to identify the most prevalent and hazardous risks in a business. With this data, they’ll create an assessment rating and suggest improvements tailored to your unique situation.
Assessing if it’s time for changes or if the current state of your business and those using it are secure enough will enable you to decide if changes should be made. Furthermore, having an effective fire safety policy demonstrates to clients that you take proactive measures to keep everyone secure.
Do you need a Fire Risk Assessment, Book Now with us!