how long does gas safety certificate last?

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Categories: Gas SafetyLast Updated: October 8, 2023By

How long will the gas safety certificate issued by a Gas Safe Engineer expire (How Long Does Gas Safety Certificate Last?) ?

How Long Does Gas Safety Certificate Last?

To renew and qualify for gas safety certificates, landlords are required to schedule an annual safety inspection every 12 months with an Gas Safe registered engineer. It is possible to conduct the check at anytime between 10 and 12 calendar months following the previous check while maintaining the original expiry date. When a safety check for gas is completed in less than 10 months, or longer than 12 months from the date of the previous check for gas safety this will result in an effect of’ resetting’ the clock’. The expiry date for the new check will take place 12 months after the day of the most recent gas safety check.

The gas safety certificate is among the most crucial documents you’ll require as landlords for following the law and also to protect your tenants. Staying current on gas inspections as well as providing an evidence to your tenants are the first thing you must do when renting out your property.

What are your landlord’s gas safety obligations (How Long Does Gas Safety Certificate Last?) ?

The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 (GSIUR) set out your obligations as a landlord to ensure sure that all gas appliances, chimneys, fittings and flues are in good working order and functioning effectively. If you’re leasing a property that has gas appliances there are three major legal obligations:

1. Checks for safety in the gas supply

To protect your tenants to ensure their safety, all gas appliances as well as flues must undergo an annual gas safety inspection and should be performed by a competently certified Gas Safe registered engineer. Once the check is complete and you’re given an Landlord Gas Safety Record (LGSR) which includes the specifics of the tests which were conducted.

You can request an inspection of gas safety to be conducted at anytime between 10 and 12 months following the last inspection, without impacting the date of expiration originally planned. If you’re less than 10 months or more than 12 months since the last inspection the result will be an additional deadline date of 12 months from the date of the most recent inspection . If you’re not sure about your LGSR then please contact Gas Safe Register to discuss your particular situation.

Appliances that belong to your tenants aren’t under your direct supervision but it’s your responsibility to make sure the security of connecting flues, except if they’re connected solely to the appliance of your tenants.

2. Gas Safety Record

After your annual gas safety inspection and the receipt from the Landlord Gas Safety Record, you’ll have to give evidence of the inspection for your tenant. The law requires that a record of your Landlord Gas Safety Record should be provided to your tenant within the 28-day period after the gas safety inspection and, for tenants who are new you’ll have to provide the record at the beginning of their lease.

If you are renting for shorter than 28 days simply ensure that you’ve displayed the gas safety report within the premises. Keep copies of the gas safety record until two more inspections have been completed.

3. Maintenance

It is essential to ensure that the gas pipes as well as chimneys, appliances and flues are maintained in good condition. Review the gas appliance’s specifications for the manufacturer to determine the frequency at which a service is suggested. If you’re not able to access to these guidelines, we’d recommend a once-a-year service except if you’re Gas Safe registered engineer suggests that you do something different.

What Is A Landlord Gas Safety Certificate?

If you lease out your home and you rent it out, you must by law to possess an official gas safety certificate to show that your fireplaces, gas stoves, and flues are safe and that there enough ventilation.

There is also the term gas safety certificate as the CORGI Proforma as well as CP12. It dates back to the time the time when CORGI was in charge of making sure that every gas appliance in an apartment.

What Does A Gas Safety Inspection Involve? (How Long Does Gas Safety Certificate Last?)

Gas engineers examine every gas appliance such as cookers, boilers and fires. They also check chimneys, pipework and flues within the building. This involves inspecting:

  • Appliances are functioning in accordance to the instructions of the manufacturer and all safety devices are in operation.
  • Appliances are properly connected with the correct gas source while the burner is running correctly.
  • The chimneys and flues are effective in taking out the smoke that results from gas combustion.
  • There is enough and continuous air circulation in the area to allow gas to be burned correctly.
  • The pipework for gas is in great shape and is free of leaks.

Be aware it is important to note that the gas safety test is distinct from gas boiler services. We suggest that landlords also get an annual boiler service.

Do landlords have to be able to get an gas safety certificate? And what happens if I don’t own an gas safety certificate? (How Long Does Gas Safety Certificate Last?)

Landlords are legally required renew this gas inspection each year. The letting of a home that does not properly use gas is unlawful and could be considered an offence that can be prosecuted as a crime. For non-compliance with gas safety rules can be up to £6,000 for each offence.

Do I Need To Give Notice To My Tenants To Access The Property? (How Long Does Gas Safety Certificate Last?)

You’ll need to provide your tenants with a 24-hour notice and they have to be in agreement with the gas engineer gaining access to the property. It is possible that you will require flexibility in the day and time you schedule the inspection in order to accommodate the needs of your tenants.

If your tenant is causing problems and refuses to access the property, you must not abandon the property. You have to prove that you’ve taken reasonable steps to be in compliance to the laws.

In the beginning you should send a letter to your tenants stating the reason you need access and what gas safety checks are. If you are unable to get them to comply you may approach your local council and ask them to talk with your tenant on behalf of you. In the last instance you may look into evicting your tenant under section 21 or requesting an injunction from the court.

Our Pricing

Our Gas Safety Certificate Prices
Gas Safety Certificate 1 Appliance £40
Gas Safety Certificate 1 Appliance £45
Gas Safety Certificate 1 Appliance £50
Gas Safety Certificate & Boiler Service £74.99


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