Why It's Important to Have a Gas Safety Certificate For Your Property

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Categories: Gas SafetyLast Updated: October 8, 2023By

Why It’s Important to Have a Gas Safety Certificate For Your Property

Why It’s Important to Have a Gas Safety Certificate For Your Property;

Landlords or those living in properties equipped with gas appliances must obtain a gas safety certificate annually to comply with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998.

A Gas Safe engineer will inspect all gas appliances in your home to guarantee they are operating correctly and that all safety devices are installed.

Landlord Gas Safety Certificate

Why It’s Important to Have a Gas Safety Certificate For Your Property;

Landlords know the cost of maintaining gas appliances and chimneys can add up quickly. That’s why taking out a boiler service and gas safety certificate cover plan can be such an economical idea.

A gas safety certificate is a legal requirement for all landlords and property owners. It indicates the condition of gas pipes and flues in an establishment, as well as whether any repairs need to be done by an experienced engineer.

The cost of a gas safety certificate varies based on the property type, its location and how many gas appliances there are. Additionally, whether it’s residential or commercial property can affect pricing.

Always have your gas certificate issued by a Gas Safe registered engineer, who can conduct the inspection and issue you with a Landlord Gas Safety Record. This will provide evidence of all checks made and confirm if appliances or flues meet applicable standards.

Once you possess a copy of the Gas Safety Record, it is essential to keep one for your records and provide one to any tenants before they move in or when repairing appliances. Furthermore, make sure the Gas Safety Record can be shown if tenants refuse access to the property for maintenance or safety checks.

Every year, it is legally mandated for you to have your appliances and flues checked by a Gas Safe registered engineer. This requirement stems from the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998.

Once your annual safety check is completed, your engineer will issue a gas certificate – commonly referred to as CP12 for short. This should be given to tenants within 28 days of the check being concluded and you must keep a copy for yourself for your own records.

Landlords must comply with this important legal requirement. Without a valid gas safety certificate, you could face legal repercussions and be fined.

Grace Period

Why It’s Important to Have a Gas Safety Certificate For Your Property;

Maintaining a gas safety certificate for your property is an absolute legal requirement, and you should update it every 12 months to remain compliant. Furthermore, having this document shows you are an accountable landlord and will help attract qualified tenants to your rental property.

Gas safety certificates can be expensive, particularly if you need to check multiple boilers and hobs – so plan ahead accordingly. On average, prices for a gas safety check range between £60 and £90; prices may be higher in larger cities such as London.

The type of property and how many appliances need checking can influence the cost. Commercial properties tend to be pricier than residential ones, so be sure to factor this into your budget as well.

Some rental agents include the cost of a gas safety certificate in their management fee, so you can budget accordingly. If you’re not using an agent, it’s wise to get multiple quotes before making your choice.

It’s worth noting that any electrical appliances provided with your property must be examined separately, so you might want to factor this into your budget as well.

The cost of a gas safety check varies depending on how many appliances you have and their location in the UK. On average, properties with one boiler, gas hob and fireplace cost between £34-£90; prices may be higher in larger cities.

Always inquire if an engineer will inspect your boiler, and if so, they’ll issue you with a gas safety certificate (CP12). Note that some engineers only provide paper copies of reports.

Some gas safe engineers will issue you with an electronic version of the certificate. This is often preferable as it takes less time to send and it can be stored digitally for up to two months after inspection has taken place.

How Much Does a Gas Safety Certificate Cost

Why It’s Important to Have a Gas Safety Certificate For Your Property;

As a landlord, it’s imperative to make sure you have an up-to-date gas safety certificate on hand. Doing so can avoid any potential issues which put your tenants in jeopardy and protect you from costly fines and penalties should they break the law.

The cost of a gas safety certificate varies based on several factors, such as how many appliances you have and who will conduct the inspection. For smaller properties with fewer appliances, costs may range from £35 to £80 while larger houses with more appliances may reach up to £120.

Gas safety checks can be expensive, so you should carefully weigh all your options before making a final decision. For best results, get at least three quotes from registered Gas Safe companies first to ensure you receive the most competitive price.

Why It's Important to Have a Gas Safety Certificate For Your Property

When hiring an engineer, you should also take into account their level of experience and proximity to your location. Local engineers typically charge lower fees than national ones.

As with any service, the cost of a boiler service can vary significantly depending on which company you select. Some companies will give discounts to customers who book multiple jobs simultaneously, while others charge different fees for each job they complete.

It’s wise to obtain at least three quotes for your landlord gas safety certificate so you can compare costs. That way, you’ll know exactly how much to budget when hiring an engineer for the job.

Once you’ve selected the ideal engineer, it will be necessary to pay them to carry out the inspection and issue the certificate. The cost will depend on their experience, the type of property being worked on, as well as whether you require either a single or multiple appliance certificate.

A Gas Safe certificate is mandatory by law and provides assurance that your gas installations and flues are secure for use. The certificate has a validity period of 12 months from its issue date, but can be renewed between 10-12 months after that period has elapsed.

Gas Safety Check

Why It’s Important to Have a Gas Safety Certificate For Your Property;

When renting out your property, it is your legal duty to ensure it is gas safe. This requires making sure all appliances are functioning correctly and having them checked by a qualified engineer regularly; failing which, you could face fines from the HSE.

That is why it is essential to obtain a gas safety certificate, which can only be issued by an experienced gas engineer. They will inspect your pipes, appliances and flues to make sure they are in proper working order and all safety devices are functioning according to manufacturer guidelines.

Why It's Important to Have a Gas Safety Certificate For Your Property

Booking a gas safety check as soon as possible is essential for conducting an effective investigation and correcting any problems before they become serious or lead to an accident. This way, the engineer can perform an exhaustive assessment and identify any potential hazards before they escalate out of control and cause serious harm or an incident.

Your engineer will then conduct a visual examination of your gas appliances and flue system, verifying they are installed correctly according to building regulations.

Once they have completed the inspection, they will provide a written report outlining all faults found. They will also explain the issue to you and give you an estimate for any necessary work.

Are you curious if your engineer offers boiler services? This can help keep your heating bills down and prevent costly repairs or replacements in the future.

The cost of a gas safety certificate varies based on the number of appliances you have, the engineer and how long they need to complete their work. On average, it takes around 30 minutes per appliance but could take longer if there are many to check.

Our Pricing

Our Gas Safety Certificate Prices
Gas Safety Certificate 1 Appliance £40
Gas Safety Certificate 1 Appliance £45
Gas Safety Certificate 1 Appliance £50
Gas Safety Certificate & Boiler Service £74.99


Check Out Our Other Services



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