The Cost of a Boiler Service and Gas Safety Certificate

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Categories: Gas SafetyLast Updated: October 8, 2023By

The Cost of a Boiler Service and Gas Safety Certificate

The Cost of a Boiler Service and Gas Safety Certificate;

If your property contains gas appliances, annual safety checks are a must. These tests help guarantee the safety of both your equipment and those living there.

Landlords receive a CP12 certificate after an engineer inspects all gas appliances in their property, such as the gas meter, boiler, fire, and radiators.


The Cost of a Boiler Service and Gas Safety Certificate;

The cost of a boiler service and gas safety certificate varies based on the equipment that needs servicing and the engineer’s rates. Some engineers charge more than others for their work, and the type of property you own also influences pricing.

A boiler service is an essential step in keeping your home’s heating and hot water system in top condition, spotting potential issues that could cost you money and pose health hazards. It helps prevent breakdowns and unnecessary repair expenses by recognizing small issues before they turn into major ones.

Maintaining your boiler, whether it’s gas or oil-fired, is essential. No matter its age, routine servicing will guarantee your system runs safely and efficiently.

Saving time and money in the long run by attending to your appliance when it’s unattended could potentially result in costly repairs or even a total boiler replacement if it’s gas-fired. Furthermore, this helps save energy by making sure that the boiler is operating at maximum efficiency levels.

For boilers, a service will include all of the checks and maintenance that the manufacturer’s service manual recommends, such as visual inspections, cleaning of magnetic filters and testing of flue gases. It will also guarantee your boiler operates at correct pressure and doesn’t leak gases.

A gas safety certificate will give you documentation proving your appliance is secure and in optimal working condition, safeguarding both you and your family members from carbon monoxide leaks which can prove fatal.

At the conclusion of a gas boiler service performed by a Gas Safe engineer, you’ll usually receive a certificate as part of the standard price. It’s an invaluable document to have and can be extremely beneficial if you plan on selling your property or renting it out to tenants.

In the UK, boiler service and gas safety certificate costs typically range from £60 – £90; however, this can vary greatly depending on where you live, how many appliances need checking, and your engineer’s rate. Getting quotes from multiple engineers is a great way to find the best deal for you.


The Cost of a Boiler Service and Gas Safety Certificate;

Most boilers are built to last, but they still need regular servicing in order to stay functioning optimally. A service is an essential step in keeping your boiler in top condition as it allows the engineer to detect any potential issues that could cause trouble down the line and fix them before becoming more costly or difficult to resolve.

On average, a service should take around half an hour with your gas engineer performing flue checks and taking any readings necessary. This includes verifying the flue’s capacity to deliver heat efficiently and safely into your home.

The engineer will then conduct a visual examination of your boiler and control panel to identify any weak points that might require replacement parts or work on the boiler’s controls.

They will inspect the burner, heat exchanger and other main components of your boiler to guarantee they’re all in proper working order. They’ll clean them if dirt has built up over time and keep them free from rust that could cause serious corrosion damage.

Once they’ve completed their inspection, the engineer will provide you with a boiler service report outlining all repairs or maintenance they performed. This report includes the name and contact number of the company who carried out the work as well as any information about any problems that were identified during their visit.

Before leaving the premises, it’s wise to sign the report that confirms the work has been completed by an experienced professional. Doing this makes finding the right engineer much simpler should any issues arise in the future.

Boiler service is an essential part of maintaining your boiler’s efficiency, particularly if it has a warranty on it. Not only will this keep the warranty valid, but it can also save you money in the long run since a serviced boiler will last longer and prevent costly repairs or replacements in the future.


The Cost of a Boiler Service and Gas Safety Certificate;

At a boiler service, an engineer will inspect all parts of the appliance to detect any problems or concerns. They also clean the burner and heat exchanger to eliminate dirt or grime that accumulates over time.

Additionally, the boiler must be checked for leaks and corrosion. This is essential as it can affect its efficiency and lifespan.

The Cost of a Boiler Service and Gas Safety Certificate

Gas leaks in your home can be a dangerous issue, potentially leading to fires or explosions. That is why it’s always recommended that your boiler be serviced on an annual basis.

This service will guarantee your boiler’s safety and help protect you and your family from carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide may be colorless and odourless, but it can be deadly if released into the air.

Landlords have a legal responsibility to arrange gas safety checks and provide their tenants with a CP12 certificate. Failure to do so may result in fines or even prison sentences.

A gas safety check can save your family’s life and property. If you have any worries about a potential leak in your home, contact us now so that we can provide assistance.

At Our company, we have an experienced and professional team with deep knowledge about heating systems for homes. We can come directly to your residence and give a quote for the necessary work needed.

Once our service is complete, we will provide you with a report outlining any issues with your boiler. It also outlines all the steps needed to keep it running safely and efficiently.

No matter if you own your home or rent it out, having your boiler serviced at least once a year is recommended. Doing this will guarantee that the boiler works optimally and keep both you and your family secure.

The Cost of a Boiler Service and Gas Safety Certificate

The cost of a boiler service and gas safety certificate varies based on several factors, such as the type of property, its location, the number of appliances required and whether or not a Gas Safe engineer is needed to conduct the work. On average, costs start from £35 for single boilers and may go up to £150 or more when multiple appliances such as a gas fire or cooker require attention.


Our Gas Safety Certificate Prices
Gas Safety Certificate 1 Appliance £40
Gas Safety Certificate 1 Appliance £45
Gas Safety Certificate 1 Appliance £50
Gas Safety Certificate & Boiler Service £74.99


A gas safety check requires an engineer to come directly to your home and examine all gas appliances within. They’ll check the appliance, pipework, and ventilation to guarantee all equipment is secure for use and operating optimally.

Generally, a gas safety check should take no more than 30 minutes and is an essential step in making sure all gas appliances in your home are working safely and efficiently. It is recommended that you get one done annually to reduce the risk of breakdown, carbon monoxide poisoning, or other potential issues.

When the engineer completes their work, you should request a certificate. This should include the engineer’s name, company name and Gas Safe number as well as any issues they identified during inspection.

Landlords must ensure all gas appliances in a rental property are regularly serviced and working properly. As such, they are required to arrange for an annual gas safety check with an accredited Gas Safe registered engineer, and provide a copy of the certificate to new tenants within 28 days after they move in.

Furthermore, they must guarantee compliance with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 at all times. This includes verifying all meter readings are correct and have been read accurately.

Businesses such as burger carts, fast food trucks and mobile cooking establishments should receive a yearly gas safety service from an expert. This service helps extend the life of equipment, improve customer safety and guarantee all necessary gas connections are working correctly.

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